Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hello Kitty Birthday Girl

We celebrated Abby's birthday a week early because we will be traveling on her real birthday.

I know what you're thinking: not enough sweets.  Or: not enough pink.  If you're Abby, you can never get too much of either.

A little pre-party modeling shoot of the birthday girl. 

And a best "Hello Kitty" buddy.

Now, for the water slide fun.

I'm only including this picture to show that I did actually serve something besides sugar.  Although I'm pretty sure that Abby was the only taker.  

Water friends!

Big brother is getting some air on the water slide.

And Daddy brings some hose action to the party.

Time for cupcakes. 

"Happy birthday to you..." 

Lining up to get their ice cream...and toppings!

Stand back, everyone, the birthday girls is getting her sweets ON!



At the end, Daddy had enough of watching the kids have all the fun.

And he tossed my "no pushing" rule out the window as he tossed the children down the slide. 

Abby enjoying her after-party gift sorting time.

Me: "Abby, did you like your party?" 
Abby: "Yes!"
Me: "What was your favorite part?"
Wait for it...
Abby: "The CANDY!!!"

Happy birthday precious baby girl.  I still refuse to allow you to turn 5, but it was so much fun celebrating you, Abby-style.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think our girls are cut from the same cloth, could be all the cookies and desserts we enjoyed while I visited.

P.S. Ash loves Pink too :)