Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

_______Nonsense and Sensibility

The first grown up novel I read as a teenager was Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin.
Go to "Sense and Sensibility (Oxford World's Classics)" page

 I loved it because the personalities of the two Dashwood sisters reminded me so much of my sister and I.  Lindsay was (and still is) all sense, rationality, logic.  She takes action because she has thought it through and it makes sense to her.  At the time when I read this book (and still to a large degree today), I was all sensibility, rashness, whimsical emotion.  I took action because I couldn't possibly do anything other than respond to the demands of my sensibilities.  Thankfully I have matured a bit these days and have learned that a little sense goes a long way!  (Although when I do something I still generally throw myself into it wholeheartedly, often still without clear foresight.)

Anyway, as a high school senior, I penned this tidbit poem to commemorate my own personality quirk of sensibility:

Nonsense and Sensibility

I am practically impractical
when it comes to being sensible.
And when emotions capture me,
I'm sensibility, times three.

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