Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Friday, December 24, 2010

California Dreams, Part 3

Other random pics from our trip so far:

Reading with Uncle Adrian.

Reading with Uncle Allen.
"The Uncles" have been awesome...never turning down a request from the kids...pretty sweet.

Adding some pieces to our Advent calendar story.
We had to catch up because I didn't start it until we got here, so we're doing about four a day instead of one a day.  Baby Jesus will be making a solo appearance on Christmas morning though, as it should be!

We met the extended family for bowling.  Abby with Kaitlin and Joycee.

Isaac with Alex.

First time using grown-up sized balls.

Joshua is a teenager now.  I remember him being younger than Isaac.
I guess I forgot to take into account how many years have gone by...I bought him a toy for a 5-7 year old!  Guess I'll have to rethink his Christmas gift.

The newest member: Vincent.

Isaac won lots of tickets playing "Deal or No Deal" with Uncle Allen.

Mmmmmmmm...In N Out
(At this point, the kids and I have been 3 times and Adel has been twice)

Car fun?  Not my most flattering pic but I thought it was funny...and very truth-telling about real-life in the Lagoy family.

Giant Christmas Tree.

Lolo and Lola bought the kids giant ice cream cones.

I think they kind of liked them.

Kid Quotables:

  • We were singing Christmas carols in the car and Isaac asked me to not to sing "Frosty the Snowman" because it makes him cry when Frosty has to go away."  Sweet, sensitive boy.
  • Abby, picking dandelions and making wishes: "I wish I were a princess."  "I wish I could pick a lot of flowers." "I wish Lola had lots of toys."

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh...bowLING. Glad you guys are having such a good time!