Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Preparing for Easter, Part 2

This is a continuation from a previous post, Preparing for Easter, Part 1

  • Read the story found in John 13:1-17 (can find this story in a children's Bible too).
  • Fill a bucket with water and grab a towel. 
  • Take turns washing each other's feet and praying for each other.
After reading the story of Jesus, the Servant-King, washing his disciples' feet the night before his crucifixion, it was special for us to get to wash our kids' feet and pray for them.

Mommy washed Isaac's feet.

Daddy took care of Abby.

The kids enjoyed the chance to wash Mommy's feet too.
(And things got rather silly when they tried to wash Daddy's feet because his feet are too ticklish).

A link to the post of this lesson from 2012.

  • Visit a garden or park.
  • Read Luke 22:39-46 (can find this story in a children's Bible too).
  • Have your kids talk about what plans they have for tomorrow.  How do they feel about their plans?
  • What do they think Jesus may have been thinking/feeling on the night before His crucifixion?
  • Pray together.
I liked doing this one at night in our "garden," as the darkness may have reflected more of what Jesus may have experienced.  The downside was that I waited so late that the kids were too punchy for a serious conversation.

  • Place a white carnation in a vase.  Read 1 Peter 1:18-19 (or the story of the crucifixion from a children's Bible).
  • Discuss with your children what it meant that Jesus was a "lamb without blemish or defect." 
  • Add a dozen drops of red food coloring to the water.  Watch what happens over the next few days.  Use the red flower petals as a reminder that Jesus took our sins upon himself when he died on the cross.
Jesus, the "lamb without blemish or defect."

Each kid added some drops of red food coloring to the water, representing their sin. (By the way, that is my dad's hairy arm in the picture below, not mine!  ;) 

Two days later, we look at what happened to our white flowers and talk about how Jesus took our sin upon himself when he died for us.

A link to the post of this lesson from 2012.

  • Let your kids help you clean the windows.
  • Talk about how much better they can see through them afterward.  
  • Read Luke 18:31-34 (or find the story in a children's Bible of when the disciples were sad and confused after Jesus died).  
  • Explain that the disciples did not see clearly at first.  They did not understand that Jesus had to die and rise again--until He did!
I left this muddy window up for a few hours before our actual lesson time to get the kids to really wonder what a muddy window had to do with Easter.

They had fun scrubbing it off.

And hosing it down.  And after it was clean, they seemed to get the idea that it wasn't until Jesus' friends saw him alive again after his death that they understood why he had to die.

  • Read Matthew 27:57-61 (or find the story in a children's Bible of when Jesus' friends discovered his empty tomb...especially the sections of his burial and resurrection that mention his grave clothes or wrappings). 
  • Wrap a child volunteer in toilet paper or "grave clothes" and have them break free from the toilet paper.
  • Talk about how happy the disciples must have been when they saw that Jesus had conquered death.
  • Use a trick candle to show how Jesus, the Light of the World, appeared to be extinguished, but wasn't.  He was dead, but He came back to life!
Wrapping up Isaac in "grave clothes."

He thought it was pretty funny.

In his "tomb."

And he loved breaking free.

We didn't plan ahead to get the trick candle but I think that would be a great visual for the concept of Jesus coming back.  This was a lot of fun.  Looking forward to next year.


Teri Dufilho said...

oh, megan, i just love all of these ideas.... parenting is indeed an awesome calling, and your children are awesomely blessed to have this discipling!!.....

The Sharp Family said...

Love your heart Meg, and love that you are so faithful to teach your kids spiritual truths in a way that is tangible and memorable and fun. Thanks for letting me glean from you! And, your carnations are pink now...just thought you'd like to know!