Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I read the Easter story with the kids on Thursday.  I probably should have saved the resurrection part until Sunday but the kids were really into it and wanted to hear the whole thing.  Isaac loves that God is so powerful that He can rise from the dead.  When we looked at the picture of Jesus ascending into heaven, we talked about how only God could do that.  Isaac asked, "What if the space shuttle launched into Him?"  Can you tell what's on our minds besides Easter?  We left Saturday to see the last of four launches before the shuttle program is retired.

Since we knew we would be traveling on Easter Sunday this year, we took the opportunity to do Easter pictures early.

The Sharpletts

The Lagoylings

Even if I'm not an evil person, sometimes the weight of my own imperfection, the accumulation of all my little failures, seems to rise up and overwhelm me.  Thursday I forgot to bring an Easter basket to school for Isaac's class party.  Fail.  Then I looked at the backyard with the rose bushes and wisteria that needed to be pruned about three weeks ago in preparation of spring, and the jungle of weeds we have yet to tend to.  Fail.  And why do we still have ants finding their way into our bathroom after trying everything to keep them out?  Fail. I forgot to put the garbage can out this morning and we'll be missing the chance Monday too since we won't be here so our garage is going to be stinky by the time we get back.  Fail.  I didn't budget my time well on Thursday either so I was 10 minutes late to pick up Isaac from school.  Fail.  Sometimes life can get busy and stressful and I feel like I just can't keep up.  And sometimes I'm just plain old mean, or selfish, or grumpy, especially toward those I love the most.  Fail. Fail. Fail!

But this is actually the perfect time of year to be reminded that failure is okay because there is One who did not fail.  He has passed every test for me that I could not pass on my own.  Thank You Lord, for Your sacrifice on my behalf.  I may fail often in rapid succession but I do not have to feel like a failure because I am in You.

Before we hit the road, I wanted to give Isaac the opportunity to experience as much of Easter as he could (Abby will be staying with Mimi and Boppa).  So we decorated eggs too.

After I read the Easter story to the kids, Isaac had so many questions.  
Isaac: Why did Jesus die?  
Mommy: Because He knew it was the only way to help us get to be with God.  Now that He has done that, we get to be with God in heaven if we just believe His story is true and love Him with our whole hearts.
Isaac: I do!  I love Jesus with my whole heart!  
Mommy: That's wonderful!
Isaac: Tell me what heaven is like. (He knows the answer to this, but he loves hearing about it.)
Mommy: Well, it's a place where there's no bad guys and no sadness. Everyone is happy and praising God all the time.
Isaac: Why aren't we in heaven right now?
Mommy: Because we have a job to do here in our world.
Isaac: What's our job?
Mommy: We're supposed to love God and love others while we're here.  And we're supposed to tell others about Jesus.  Everything we do, the way we love our friends, and the way we help others should point to God to help others know Him better.
Isaac: (pointing to two bicyclists who were stopped at a red light next to our car) Let's roll the window down and tell them about Jesus, Mom!
Mommy: (you're probably wondering how I weaseled my way out of this one, right?)  Well, people don't usually like to hear about Jesus by having strangers yell at them from a car window.  It's best to start by telling the people you already know.
Isaac: Okay, let's tell Mimi and Boppa!

The Bible tells us to have faith like a child.  It amazes me how readily and enthusiastically Isaac believes what I tell him.  There is no doubt or skepticism.  There is no weighing the possibilities, looking for loopholes, or finding excuses.  He simply believes and loves Jesus.  And he is so willing to do what God asks us to do with no thought or regard for himself or for the possible negative consequences.  Faith like a child.  Perhaps instead of explaining my way out of the situation, I should have rolled down the car window and told those strangers the story I had just told my own son. Instead I refrained because of social propriety and self interest.  Lord, help me learn faith from my child!
Before we left on Saturday, the kids got to do their egg hunt.  (Lucky Abby will get to do another one today with her cousins.)

Then, at the hotel room this morning, Isaac was surprised with this:
Happy Easter, loved ones!

1 comment:

MommaCeleste said...

Okay so the rolling down the window to tell the cyclists made me laugh!! Such a sweet boy! It's so wonderful how much you've taught your children about Jesus.