Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Trial Prep

Well we are now officially part of our court case and things are really starting to heat up.  We have already talked to the district attorney, who we know is looking to terminate bio dad's rights and thinks she has a pretty good case.  She also cautioned us that with a jury trial, juries can be very unpredictable so it really could go either way.

She asked to put one of us foster moms on the witness stand and one foster dad.  We decided to put me on the stand because I can speak on the medical issues we have faced for J&B, especially J.  I am really proud of myself because I found J's medical record that lists every single medical appointment he has had this year which totals 161 in-home therapy visits and 25 doctor visits since he came into our home 15 months ago!  The other foster dad, Harold, will testify for his family.

I am nervous to testify, especially when I'm questioned by bio dad's bully lawyer, but there really is not way around this.  Over and over, we are having to decide if we are really all in for these kids and of course the answer is absolutely.

Trial starts with jury selection on April 27 and will finish (we hope) on May 5.  We have to be there each day so we are taking time off work and also working to cover childcare for that time frame.  So much to do and it is all pretty overwhelming.

Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated!

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