Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Love

Isaac was happy to find that he is in the same class as Belle, his best friend from last year.  When we saw Belle at "Meet the Teacher," her mom told me she had saved Isaac's love note from last year.

"What love note?" I asked.  Then she told me he actually wrote a note to propose marriage to Belle.  She kindly emailed me a copy:
Translation: Will you marry me Belle please?  Pretty please?  Thank you (love how he spelled it...faqow!).  I love you Belle.  Love Isaac.

And if you notice the purple YES on the left margin, it appears Belle accepted.  Ah, love.


Anonymous said...


The Sharp Family said...

Aw, I love it. And I didn't even need the translation...I can read Kindergarten. Although I wasn't sure what the "yes" was until you pointed it out. What a charmer that Isaac is!

Teri Dufilho said...

hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!! stinkin' cute!...... i would NEVER have gotten the "faqow" as "thank you", though......thanks for the translation!..... Now, wouldn't it just be something if about 20 years down the road, ....hmmmm, a thought to ponder!