"What love note?" I asked. Then she told me he actually wrote a note to propose marriage to Belle. She kindly emailed me a copy:
Translation: Will you marry me Belle please? Pretty please? Thank you (love how he spelled it...faqow!). I love you Belle. Love Isaac.
And if you notice the purple YES on the left margin, it appears Belle accepted. Ah, love.
Aw, I love it. And I didn't even need the translation...I can read Kindergarten. Although I wasn't sure what the "yes" was until you pointed it out. What a charmer that Isaac is!
hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!!!....so stinkin' cute!...... i would NEVER have gotten the "faqow" as "thank you", though......thanks for the translation!..... Now, wouldn't it just be something if about 20 years down the road, ....hmmmm, a thought to ponder!
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