Colossians 3:17

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whole Lot of Nothin' Going On

I love to blog.  It's part of what keeps me feeling creative and busy.  And I haven't posted a new blog in almost 2 weeks.  That's very unusual and when it gets to be too long between posts, I start to get a little blue with the feeling that I've got nothing interesting going on in my life.  Well, that's not entirely true.  It's true that there really isn't that much going on, and it isn't really all that interesting...unless you happen to be me...or to love my kids like I do...because really we've just been hanging out and going through our days without much to distinguish one from the other.

So, today I thought I'd record a little bit of our "whole lot of nothin'." It's pretty sweet when you stop to think about it.

We celebrated the unusually gorgeous weather with a backyard picnic.

The kids made a trail of toys because they hate the feel of our dry, nasty grass on their feet (I hate the grass almost as much as the weeds).

Sassy girl.

Isaac played ball for a while.

My pretty.

Chasing bubbles.

This is the oak seedling I planted last year.  It's still alive!  And yes, I planted it in an old motorcycle tire because I am that classy. 

When I wasn't looking, Bitsy ate the rest of the boiled eggs.  Doh!  It's a good thing she's cute...for a poof ball.

Hope you have a whole lot of nothin' going on too.  Thank God for it!


Lindsay said...

Classy indeed! We must be related. We are loving the outdoors too!

Teri Dufilho said...

girrrrrrl, you ARE classy!!...... oh, those pictures of the kids are so good.....and i'm reminded about how precious the "normal" days are, as we thank God for each day......beautiful children, meg....with beautiful hearts...